
Free Webinar on Next Gen AWP: How Does Contracting Impact Project Performance?

CII’s NextGen (formerly AWP+Lean) series of webinars has addressed many best practices leveraged across the different industries that contribute to improvements in Project Delivery. Consistently, the degree to which they drive success is partially shaped by the contracting strategy, type of contracts selected, and the underlying relationships.

Join PTAG’s Mark Guy, along with CII colleagues Gary Fischer and Will Lichtig, as they share insights on addressing the growing interest in adopting contracts aimed at enhancing collaboration, driving deeper integration, reducing shared risk across the collective project enterprise, and improving overall performance. This session will feature three highly regarded professionals with diverse and distinctive perspectives to discuss important, but often overlooked, impacts of contracting. 

The conversation will offer key insights about project risk, culture and reliable performance. Expect to hear some great stories to illustrate key points. Whether your new to AWP, Lean, or Operations Science or a seasoned practitioner, please mark your calendars and join us for an entertaining conversation.

Webinar Overview:

Date: Monday, February 12, 2024

Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST

Location: Online Webinar

Key Speakers:

Mark Guy, Senior Advisor of Project Management at PTAG

Mark Guy is a PTAG Senior Advisor, Project Management who brings over 40 years of power generation experience covering project management, engineering, construction, operation, plant rehabilitation and collaborative facilitation. During his career at Ontario Power Generation, Mark managed many major capital projects to install new system equipment at the Pickering and Darlington stations, including the Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment (DNR) project and early planning for the SMR project. Mark has experience negotiating and managing EPC contracts, and attaining results through collaborative facilitation.

Gary Fischer, Executive Director of the Project Production Institute

Gary’s background includes responsibility for Chevron’s project management system as well as his current role as Executive Director of the Project Production Institute (PPI).  He will bring a unique perspective shaped by years of energy mega—projects around the world and his new passion for bringing Operations Science to our industry.

Will Lichtig, Executive Vice President Performance & Innovation at The Boldt Company

Will not only has extensive experience in leveraging collaborative forms of agreements and Integrated Project Delivery with Owner and Contractor organizations, but has been a driving force within the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) for many years, including as the developer of the Integrated Form of Agreement (IFOA). 

Planning For Startup

Startup is the transitional phase between plant construction completion and commercial operations, including all the activities that bridge these two phases. Critical steps within Startup include system turnover, checkout of systems, commissioning of systems, introduction of feedstock, and performance testing.

The importance of Startup planning is exemplified by the pressures to increase profits by reducing costs, reductions in owner staff and increases in outsourcing of services, demands for shorter project life-cycle times, and a lack of planning capabilities and supportive tools. These business and project challenges demand increases in organizational efficiency and management effectiveness.

Successful project delivery and commercial operation requires a successful Startup. Research indicates a reasonably strong correlation between Startup success and comprehensive Startup planning.

PTAG provides a Startup Planning Model for Startup activities through all eight project phases:

  1. Requirements Definition and Technology Transfer
  2. Conceptual Development and Feasibility
  3. Front-End Engineering
  4. Detailed Design
  5. Procurement
  6. Construction
  7. Checkout & Commissioning
  8. Initial Operations

Collaborative contracting for Small Modular Reactors Webinar Recap- October 25, 2023

The world will increasingly rely on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) to meet its emission reduction targets as it transitions its sources of energy generation. Compared to other generation alternatives, SMRs provide a safer, more reliable, economical, and environmentally responsible alternative for energy generation to supply industry and society.

In this webinar PTAG’s Michael Dubreuil and Bruce Burwell along their CII colleagues presented an update on how Industrial IPD (I2PD) and CII Best Practices are supporting early first-mover SMR projects in both the United States and Canada with growing international interest.

The following topics were discussed in this webinar:

  • The projected SMR market demand
  • Early adopters of Industrial IPD for SMRs
  • What are the key features and benefits of Industrial IPD
  • Several CII Best Practices that will help facilitate industry readiness

For those who missed the live event or wished to revisit the valuable discussions, we have uploaded the full webinar recap video.

This is the recap video recording of the webinar, which was originally recorded on October 25, 2023

Free Webinar with a Power Sector Focus: Collaborative Contracting for Small Modular Reactors

The world will increasingly rely on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) to meet its emission reduction targets as it transitions its sources of energy generation. Compared to other generation alternatives, SMRs provide a safer, more reliable, economical, and environmentally responsible alternative for energy generation to supply industry and society.

With the planned pace of energy transition, realizing the potential of SMRs to help meet global emissions targets will require intense cooperation and collaboration amongst stakeholders, that includes: Governments, Regulators, Local Communities, Financial Community, SMR Technology Providers, Electrical Generation Utilities, Industrial Owners, Supply Chains, Project Managers, Engineers, and Constructors.

CII’s groundbreaking research was developed and published in partnership with industry and academia – “Integrated Project Delivery for Industrial Projects” in August of 2018. Known as Industrial IPD this innovative approach to project delivery for industrial projects has been shown to significantly improve design optimization and reduce construction risks by fostering trust, transparency, and alignment between project key stakeholders. Industrial IPD has been shown to reduce risks, costs, schedules and delays while increasing safety, quality, innovation, and value. Industrial IPD uses many of CII’s Best Practices as part of its Framework approach to setting projects up for success.

Join PTAG’s Michael Dubreuil and Bruce Burwell along their CII colleagues as they present an update on how Industrial IPD and CII Best Practices are supporting early first-mover SMR projects in both the United States and Canada with growing international interest.

Wed, Oct 25, 2023 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

In this webinar, you will learn the following:

  • The projected SMR market demand
  • Early adopters of Industrial IPD for SMRs
  • What are the key features and benefits of Industrial IPD
  • Several CII Best Practices that will help facilitate industry readiness

15th Annual Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) North American Conference

Advanced Work Packaging with the emphasis on the “A”

PTAG is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor for the 15th Annual Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) North American Conference in Houston, Texas, on October 10 and 11, 2023.

This Conference is supported by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) and promises to be an insightful gathering of industry leaders and experts.

Come network with industry leaders. Historically owners, EPC, and contractors have constituted approximately 70% of the total attendees.

Some of the biggest global constructors, engineers and technology providers attend this conference.

This Year’s Program

This year’s conference promises to be bigger than ever with the following categories being covered:

  1. AWP with the Emphasis on “A”
  2. Breaking Research
  3. Case Study
  4. Data, Data, Data
  5. Leveraging Technologies
  6. Next Gen Project Delivery
  7. People, People, People
  8. Reducing Waste & Decarbonization

Big Names, Outstanding Network

PTAG’s Michael Dubreuil, Bruce Burwell, Keith Henson and Michael Mcbean are honored to be presenting in the following sessions:

Tuesday, October 10th, 11:30 am

Using the Big Room as a Tactical Command Centre for Field-based Planning Collaboration on Brownfield Projects

Speakers: Keith Henson & Michael McBean

Keith Henson
Michael McBean

Tuesday, October 10th , 3 pm

Next Gen Project Delivery

Speaker: Michael Dubreuil

Michael Dubreuil

Wednesday, October 11th , 10:30 am

Culture Change Through Adoption of Collaborative Behaviour

Speakers: Bruce Burwell – PTAG & Amy Cameron – OPG

Bruce Burwell

Wednesday, October 11th , 11:30 am

Next Gen Project Delivery – A Deeper Dive

Speakers: Michael Dubreuil – PTAG, Fernando Espana – Construct-X, Mark Childerson – Garner, John Strickland – Collaborative Flow, LLC & James Choo – PPI

Michael Dubreuil

Who Should Attend?

Reach out to us ahead of time and let us know if you will be there. Hope to see many of you there!

Improving Capital Effectiveness and Efficiency to Deliver Excellent Business Results

In case you missed it, watch Michael Dubreuil’s panel discussion along with his RT 394 colleagues about Improving Capital Effectiveness and Efficiency to Deliver Excellent Business Results from the 2023 Construction Industry Institute‘s Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

CII Local Connect Houston – Lightning Talks – 27 April 2023

High-Impact Lightning Talk Sessions Led by Experts from CII and Industry.

Join PTAG Houston’s Mike McBean at the CII NextGen event on Thursday, April 27th, 2023, hosted at the Shell- Woodcreek Campus!

PTAG is proud to support the CII Local Connect program, which provides individuals from member and non-member companies opportunities to learn more about CII research and best practices. The event format includes an overview of resources and more importantly, an opportunity to engage in-person with current and future leaders.

It’s a great opportunity to network, learn new concepts, and hear unique perspectives on relevant workplace topics.

Industrial Integrated Project Delivery Implementation (I2PD)

In case you missed it, watch Michael Dubreuil and Bruce Burwell ’s panel discussion about Industrial Integrated Project Delivery Implementation (I2PD) from the 2022 Construction Industry Institute‘s Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio.

To learn more about Industrial Integrated Project Delivery Implementation (I2PD), please reach out to either Bruce or Michael:

Michael Dubreuil
Managing Partner, PTAG Inc.
Bruce Burwell
Partner, Capital Projects, PTAG Inc.

2022 CII Annual Conference

The Conference Banner

PTAG is proud to be the Silver Sponsor for this years CII Annual Conference in Cleveland

Visit PTAG in the Exhibitor Showcase

Take in Michael Dubreuil’s panel on Collaborative Contracting

All relevant collaborative contracting strategies (I2PD, IPD, and Alliancing to name a few) have adopted early supplier engagement as one of their fundamental methods to improve project performance. You won’t want to miss this expert panel discussion on the importance of early supplier engagement and the adoption of innovative technical improvements. Experience a conversation between the industry’s leading service and solutions providers about how to be successful at proactive engagement with your supply chain.

Register now to participate.

Moderated by
  Michael Dubreuil  
Michael Dubreuil
Chief Executive Officer
PTAG, Inc.


  Keith Churchill    
Keith Churchill
Chief Innovation Officer
Bechtel Corporation

Ashuhan Dogan  
Ashuhan Dogan
Global Product Manager – Sustainability Strategy and Marketing
Hilti Corporation

Jeff Houtz    
Jeff Houtz
Supply Chain Manager
Wood Group
Shannon DaCosta
Shannon DaCosta
Advanced Work Packaging Canada Regional Manager
Fluor Corporation
Ernie Maschner 
Ernie Maschner
Vice President of Global Water
Victaulic Company

  Paul Vranesic    
Paul Vranesic
Project Director, Northeast Water Purification Plant
Houston Waterworks Team

Register now to join us in Cleveland in less than two weeks!

If you’ve already registered, be sure to download the conference app and get ready to learn.

2022 CII Annual Conference

August 1-3, 2022  •  Cleveland, Ohio

Get to know PTAG’s speaker:

Michael’s Profile

PTAG Presentation for CURT® Lean Project Delivery Summit on 2021, May 3rd on Industrial IPD (I2PD) Application vs Traditional IPD Approach

Bruce Burwell, PTAG’s Partner for Capital Projects, was honoured to present today on Industrial IPD Application vs Traditional IPD Approach at the Construction Users Roundtable CURT® Lean Project Delivery Summit. He was also one of the panelists for the Panel Discussion on IPD Approaches and Components. This direct and to-the-point presentation talks about the difference in approaches of Traditional and Collaborative contracting strategies, the evolution of I2DP, its usage, and its implementation.

This presentation was originally presented at CURT Lean Project Delivery Summit on May 3rd, 2021.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download

Industrial Integrated Project Delivery (I2PD) is an approach of balancing nine principles to promote team collaboration and integration of work processes and systems to optimize project outcomes.

COMMERCIAL IPD – Collaboration Principles

1. Continuous Communication and Issue Resolution Process

2. Jointly Developed and Validated Targets

3. Access to Shared Information Systems

4. Early Involvement of Stakeholders

5. Collaborative and Equitable Decision Making

ALLIANCING – Integration Principles

6. Financial Transparency among Key Participants

7. Shared Risk and Reward

8. Relational Contracting, Multi-party Agreement

9. Negotiated Risk Distribution

How the traditional and Collaborative contracting strategies differ in their approach:

Traditional ContractingCollaborative Contracting
Start the project like last time but hope for better resultsBuild better. Set project goals with the project team.
Each trade does their own thingDeveloped by the team. Adjusted daily by the last planners.
Always looking for the lowest bidderBuild a team very early. Use it to drive success.
Expect some delays and overages.On-time. On Budget. What the client needed.

Commercial IPD has been proven to have a superior performance in metrics related to quality, communication, and change performance. Some of the noted benefits of I2PD:

  • Optimum & Faster designs
  • Integrated and accelerated execution
  • Improved cost certainty
  • Improved schedule certainty

In the COVID-19 times, I2PD is a good approach for quickly planning and executing capital projects as government and industry relaunch the global economy.

To learn more please contact us.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

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Originally recorded: May 3rd, 2021

Get to know PTAG’s speaker:

For more information on CURT please visit them at