
Significantly improve project delivery time and quality by attending a free webinar on Industrial Integrated Project Delivery (I2PD) with a supporting case study. Includes validated learnings and potential future benefits to the industry.

PTAG’s I2PD subject matter experts Bruce Burwell and Michael Dubreuil will be presenting a case study for the implementation of the Construction Industry Institute’s (CII) emerging best practice – The Industrial Integrated Project Delivery or I2PD on a major owner’s pilot project.

I2PD model is a project delivery method that uses high levels of collaboration and integration amongst construction project owner and their contractors and suppliers in key construction phases and has proven to significantly improve the delivery time and quality.

Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) Community of Practice is hosting a free webinar on Wednesday, July 21st at 4:00 PM CDT on an Industrial Integrated Project Delivery (I2PD) with a supporting Case Study. The presentation will include validated learnings and potential future benefits that it can bring to the industry.

Wednesday, July 21st, 2021
4pm CDT / 5pm EST / 2pm PST

Register today to attend the free live community webinar.

> Click here to register <

If you would like to learn more about I2PD please contact us.

Get to know our speakers:

PTAG Presentation for CURT® Lean Project Delivery Summit on 2021, May 3rd on Industrial IPD (I2PD) Application vs Traditional IPD Approach

Bruce Burwell, PTAG’s Partner for Capital Projects, was honoured to present today on Industrial IPD Application vs Traditional IPD Approach at the Construction Users Roundtable CURT® Lean Project Delivery Summit. He was also one of the panelists for the Panel Discussion on IPD Approaches and Components. This direct and to-the-point presentation talks about the difference in approaches of Traditional and Collaborative contracting strategies, the evolution of I2DP, its usage, and its implementation.

This presentation was originally presented at CURT Lean Project Delivery Summit on May 3rd, 2021.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download

Industrial Integrated Project Delivery (I2PD) is an approach of balancing nine principles to promote team collaboration and integration of work processes and systems to optimize project outcomes.

COMMERCIAL IPD – Collaboration Principles

1. Continuous Communication and Issue Resolution Process

2. Jointly Developed and Validated Targets

3. Access to Shared Information Systems

4. Early Involvement of Stakeholders

5. Collaborative and Equitable Decision Making

ALLIANCING – Integration Principles

6. Financial Transparency among Key Participants

7. Shared Risk and Reward

8. Relational Contracting, Multi-party Agreement

9. Negotiated Risk Distribution

How the traditional and Collaborative contracting strategies differ in their approach:

Traditional ContractingCollaborative Contracting
Start the project like last time but hope for better resultsBuild better. Set project goals with the project team.
Each trade does their own thingDeveloped by the team. Adjusted daily by the last planners.
Always looking for the lowest bidderBuild a team very early. Use it to drive success.
Expect some delays and overages.On-time. On Budget. What the client needed.

Commercial IPD has been proven to have a superior performance in metrics related to quality, communication, and change performance. Some of the noted benefits of I2PD:

  • Optimum & Faster designs
  • Integrated and accelerated execution
  • Improved cost certainty
  • Improved schedule certainty

In the COVID-19 times, I2PD is a good approach for quickly planning and executing capital projects as government and industry relaunch the global economy.

To learn more please contact us.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

[3d-flip-book id=”1448″ ][/3d-flip-book]

Originally recorded: May 3rd, 2021

Get to know PTAG’s speaker:

For more information on CURT please visit them at

PTAG Presentation for CURT® Lean Project Delivery Summit on 2021, May 3rd on CII Research: Case Study – Lean management principles & their impact on successful project delivery

Bruce Burwell, PTAG’s Partner for Capital Projects, presented a session on Case Study – Lean management principles & their impact on successful project delivery at CURT Lean Project Delivery Summit. This in-depth presentation offers a good understanding of I2PD with the help of a case study and researched data.

This presentation was originally presented at CURT Lean Project Delivery Summit on May 3rd, 2021.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

Presentation’s agenda:

Overview of PTAG’s Case Study – Collaborative Contracting Schedule, Cost and Scope Improvement Using Industrial Integrated Project Delivery – I2PD

Refer the presentation for the in-depth details of this case study where we discuss the goals, obstacles, solution, process, and results.

If you would like to learn more about I2PD please contact us.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

[3d-flip-book id=”1455″ ][/3d-flip-book]

Originally Recorded: May 3rd, 2021

Get to know PTAG’s speaker:

For more information on CURT please visit them at

CII Contract Strategy Virtual Summit – 2021, June 28th and the 29th

Our thought leaders Bruce Burwell & Michael Dubreuil will be featured subject matter experts on June 28th and the 29th as the Construction Industry Institute (CII) present their first-ever Contract Strategy Virtual Summit, focused on exploration of – and recommendations around – traditional and collaborative contracting models for the construction project owner and their contractors and suppliers.

Find out more here:

PTAG Presentation for OPG on Force Majeure Management at the OCNI Conference

PTAG’s Managing Director, Michael Dubreuil, presented today on Force Majeure ManagementDuring COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery at the OCNI Virtual Conference for Ontario Power Generation (OPG).

The New Normal requires “new ways” of operating that requires all parties; Owners, Consultants, Contractors, Engineers, and Equipment Suppliers to find new and innovative ways of optimizing cost and schedule to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and work towards a sustainable recovery.

Excusing a party from its contractual obligations for a force majeure event is the exception. “Contract liability is strict liability. It is an accepted maxim that pacta sunt servanda, contracts are to be kept.

This discussion explores three fundamental methods to help ensure that as projects resume – the threats to safety, quality schedule and cost are minimized and opportunities for improvements in each of these core areas are explored and realized.

These methods are:

  • Transparent Communications
  • Collaboration and Integration
  • Rigorous Change Management

Using industry research and experience, we outline how these methods build trust to develop the ideas to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 Force Majeure events.

Webinar Recap – I2PD, a delivery model for quickly planning and executing capital projects

Listen in to this video recap, as PTAG principals Bruce Burwell and Michael Dubreuil deliver a brief online seminar to learn about Integrated Industrial Project Delivery (I2PD).

With the advent of COVID-19, and resulting government stimulus, I2PD is a good candidate for quickly planning and executing capital projects as government and industry relaunch the global economy.

PTAG will be providing a short but thorough look at this new Project Delivery Model from the Construction Industry Institute (CII).

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

Originally recorded: August 11th, 2020

Get to know our speakers: